
Type d'organisation: Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Organisation Non-Gouvernementale (ONG)

Acronyme de l'organisation: BNGh

Année d'enregistrement: 2002

Année marquant le début des opérations: 2002

Informations de contact

  • Addresse Postale: BasicNeeds-Ghana P. O. Box TL 1140 Tamale, Ghana
  • Emplacement du bureau: Plot No. 143, Industrial Area Ext. BLK III Revised Chanshegu, opposite UDS Central Administration, Tamale
  • Région : Northern
  • Pays: Ghana
  • Ville: Tamale
  • Téléphone: 0372023566
  • Fax: 0372024245
  • E-Mail *:
  • Site web:


  • Vision: People with mental illness or epilepsy live in dignity and satisfy their basic needs and exercise their basic rights.
  • Mission: To develop and implement initiatives that directly involve people with mental illness or epilepsy, and their families and communities and other organisations to enhance self-determination and influence public option and decision-making on mental health and development.
  • Domaines d'interventions : Education / Education,Human Rights / Droits de l’Homme,Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD),Health Provision / Soins de Santé,Mental Health Services
  • Cible: National / Nationale,Regional / Régionale,Community / Communauté
  • Objectifs principaux : To build individual and community resources and assets and confidence to claim their rights and privileges to ultimately relieve poverty, combat distress and reduce suffering in Ghana without prejudice to age, gender, ethnic group, religious or political persuasion, through closely working with communities, youth, traditional authorities and leaderships, government and non-government agencies in the implementation of practical projects and programmes To relieve people who are in need, hardship or distress, and in particular persons suffering from mental illness, their families and carers; To provide or assist in the provision of money, materials or other help of whatsoever kind To bring together all human and material resources of whatsoever kind, to give or to produce such advice, to take such initiatives, to provide such services or to proffer such assistance counselling and guidance
  • Compétences principales: Advocacy / Plaidoyer,Policy Influencing / Influence des Politiques ,Capacities Development / Renforcement des Capacités
  • Engagement du gouvernement:

Plus d'information

  • Exploits actuels ou majeurs : Advocating and for the passage of the Mental Health Act into law Capacity strengthening activities of individual mental health services users and primary carers, as well as their SHGs has included training in family planning and maternal and child health services.
  • Conseil d'administration:
  • Effectif du conseil d'administration : 5
  • Expertise du conseil d'admnistration: Surgeon, Chartered Accountants & Audit Experts, Gender Development Specialist, Social Development Experts
  • Plan stratégique organisationnel:
  • Directeur/trice de l'Organisation: Yaro Badimak Peter
  • Nom de la personne contact: Matthew Pipio Eib
  • Position de la personne contact: Finance & Administration Coordinator
  • Effectif du personnel: 21
  • Effectif d'hommes: 15
  • Effectif de femmes : 6

