Amis de l'Afrique Francophone- Bénin
Contact Information
- Postal Address *: 02 BP: 1962 Cotonou, Benin
- Office Location: Carré N° 903 SEHOGAN Cotonou
- Region *: Littoral
- Country *: Benin
- City *: Cotonou
- Telephone *: +229 98146364
- Fax :
- Email *: amafbenin@yahoo.fr
- Website *: https://amafbj.wixsite.com/amafbj
- Vision *: Our Organization Amis de l'Afrique Francophone-Benin (AMAF-BENIN) wants to be a privileged actor in the creation of a fairer society where the Beninese populations in general and particularly the indigenous peoples and the local communities victims of discriminations and Environmental effects will could to fully benefit their rights. AMAF-BENIN aims a Benin, where the protection and conservation of wetlands, forests, biodiversity and the environment is a priority, so that the elimination of impoverishment for vulnerable communities is a reality.
- Mission *: The mission of AMAF-BENIN is to contribute to remedying the socio-economic and environmental problems faced by the Beninese population in general and the most vulnerable in particular. Its primary vocation is to work for the development of effective and creative approaches to sustainable management of waste, wetland and forest ecosystems in order to contribute to the conservation of biodiversity, the fight against climate change and the improvement of live conditions of Beninese populations in general and the most vulnerable in particular.
- Thematic Areas *: Education / Education,Human Rights / Droits de l’Homme,Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) / Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD),Environmental Conservation / Préservation de l’Environnement,Sustainable Development
- Target Group: National / Nationale,Community / Communauté
- Key Objectives *: • Promote peace, crafts, culture and schooling for girls;• Increase the exchange of good practices to contribute to a metamorphosis of society through change in individual and collective behavior for environmental justice, promotion of renewable energy, institution building and participatory development;• To cultivate spirit of solidarity, brotherhood and tolerance in order to overcome social inequalities which are obstacles to the eradication of poverty in order to contribute to the blossoming of women and young people;• To sensitize all social strata to the fight against STIs, malaria, HIV / AIDS and other pandemics and to promote assistance for the most disadvantaged sections of the population;• Support and monitor the implementation of policies and main regional and international agreements on forests and wetlands to help protect and conserve biodiversity and ecosystems and alleviate poverty for indigenous peoples and other lake communities and dependent on forests.
- Core Competencies *: Advocacy / Plaidoyer,Knowledge Management / Gestion des Connaissances,Capacities Development / Renforcement des Capacités
- Government Engagement:
More Information
- Major or Current Achievements *: Our major and current achievements: - Project Let's do it Benin with the main activity "Benin Clean-up": It mobilized and sensitized a large segment of the Beninese population in general and that of Cotonou, Sèmè-Podji and Abomey-Calavi in particurly to Waste clean-up days to ensure the sanitation of living space for the harmonious development of human capital, protection and preservation of natural resources and the environment as key For sustainable development. - Beninese Week for the Reduction of Waste: It is an annual activity that raises awareness and educates the populations of Cotonou on the 3R "Reduction, Reuse and Recycling" of waste and on good consumption. - EDUC-FORMATION project: It has enabled the setting up of a free literacy and learning center in sewing and embroidery for the professional insertion of young girls and boys in social, family and school difficulties, in order to they find their place in society with courage, confidence and optimism. - Research-Action: Study on classified forest of Pénéssoulou and sensitization of the indigenous peoples and local communities Anii and Kotokoli of Pénéssoulou to the conservation of the natural resources and biodiversity of the classified forest of Pénéssoulou. - Education for Conservation of Migratory Waterbirds on the Ramsar Site 1018: It a pilot project that has helped raise the awareness of teachers and educate of schoolchildrens of the public primary school of "Sô-Ava Centre" for the conservation of Bird species and mitigating the threats to mangrove forests that are habitats for birds in order to contribute to advancing the prospects for reducing the risks of environmental degradation and promoting the economic, cultural and ecological functions of Lake Nokoué ecosystems, improving the living conditions of communities of Sô-Ava and those of Benin in general. AMAF-BENIN believed that the sustainable conservation of biodiversity should rest on the education of the future generation to the knowledge of its environment and the natural resources of its locality. AMAF-BENIN also believes that any information that reaches children can easily reach their mothers who can play an important role in conserving biodiversity and through them the entire local community. - Participation in the Waterbird Counting Project: AMAF-BENIN participated in the Migratory Waterbird Counting Program in February 2017 in collaboration with the Focal Point of the Agreement on African-Eurasian Waterbirds (AEWA), General Directorate of Water, Forests and Hunts (DG / EFC), Wetland International and other National Organizations. - Participation in International Forest Day: In frame of the International Day of Forests, AMAF-BENIN, in collaboration with Eco-Benin-NGO, AMN, Tropical Nature-NGO and BEES-NGO, have organized in partnership with Forum Biodiversity Benin, the training in practical rights of municipal councilors and site leaders in charge of the management of natural resources of "Delta de Mono".
- Functional Board *:
- Number of Board Members *: 6
- List Expertise of Board Members *: Biogeographer, environmentalist, ecologist, communication, finance manager, etc.
- Organisational Strategic Plan *:
- Head of Organisation *: Fataï AINA
- Name of Contact Person *: Anne Doris MEDEGAN
- Position of Contact Person *: Program Manager
- Number of Staff *: 11
- Number of Males *: 6
- Number of Females *: 5